If you’ve been thinking about trying Shilajit, you’ve probably come across a whole bunch of influencers making claims about its amazing benefits. Now, a lot of it is true—you CAN use Shilajit to boost energy, bump up your testosterone levels, and improve your overall health, amongst other things. I’ve seen the results myself.
But there’s also a bit of that “too good to be true” feeling. You might be thinking there’s no way this can be legit, right? These guys getting ripped or doubling their T levels, girls dropping weight like never before… Is it actually true? Or is it just a scam?
If you’re on the fence about trying it, here’s the thing—most Shilajit products on the market aren’t what they seem. After doing some research, I found out that many of these products are low-quality, and some are even fake.
Find the right Shilajit, and you can definitely see all those amazing results. But choose the wrong one and you’ll only be out of pocket and with no results to show. Keep reading to learn why Shilajit might not work for you, and how to spot the scams before you waste your money.
1. It’s Not Sourced From the Himalayas

First thing to look at is where the Shilajit comes from. If you’re using Shilajit from anywhere in the world other than the Himalayas, I can almost guarantee it’s not great quality. You do get some from Russia, some from China, but I recommend avoiding these because you’re not likely to see the results you’ll get from Himalayan Shilajit.
2. It’s Harvested Below 8,000 Feet
Authentic Himalayan Shilajit is actually harvested at extreme altitudes—often between 16,000 and 18,000 feet. But anything above 8,000 feet is considered to be decent quality. The rock below 8k feet doesn’t have the same concentration of minerals, so you’re basically getting a lower quality version.
This is one of the biggest reasons why Shilajit from Siberia or China isn’t as good as the stuff from the Himalayas. Most of it is harvested at much lower altitudes, so it’s not nearly as potent. Less potent means slower, much less impressive results.
3. It’s Not Lab Tested
Like all supplements, your Shilajit should be going through lab tests to make sure it’s pure and not contaminated in any way. Low-grade Shilajit often skips this step, so when you take it, you have no idea if you’re ingesting heavy metals or bacteria.
Lab testing gives you a real guarantee of the safety and authenticity of the stuff you’re taking. Most labs are also third parties that aren’t affiliated with the brand, so you can trust that they’re honest with their tests.
4. The Supplier Says Consistency = Quality
Some suppliers will tell you that Shilajit that has a runny consistency is lower quality. This is actually just not true—the purest form of Shilajit is a gooey resin, which becomes stickier in the heat and more solid in the cold.
If you find a product that tells you it’s better quality because it’s more solid, it’s a red flag. Shilajit is often sun-dried to make it more solid, but it always starts off as a liquid, once it’s been harvested from the mountains and heated.
Actually, shilajit that stays more on the solid side in hot temperatures could mean that it has additives in it to keep it at the consistency. Stay away—gooey is the most natural form and the one you’re most likely to get results with.
5. It’s Not Filtered

Shilajit comes off the mountain full of good stuff, but it still needs to be filtered to get rid of anything that could be harmful. If you take unfiltered shilajit, firstly, it could actually work for you and you could see amazing results. But you might also end up with some negative side effects.
Filtering gets rid of things like dust, rock sediment, plant residue, and even animal droppings. You don’t want to be taking a supplement infested with mountain goat droppings, do you? Yeah… This is why you don’t want Shilajit that’s not filtered.
6. The Fulvic Acid Level is Spiked
Be careful when you see suppliers using a high fulvic acid percentage as their main selling point. Shilajit DOES contain fulvic acid, which is actually one of the reasons it’s so good for you. But you know, there are dishonest suppliers out there who want you to THINK their Shilajit is full of goodness and so they use additives to increase the %.
Be wary of Shilajit with a bunch of extra ingredients added to it. That high fulvic acid level might not be natural… And when you add extras to a low-quality Shilajit to try and boost it, unfortunately it doesn’t make it better. It actually makes the other minerals LESS effective.
7. It’s Been Mechanically Heated
Traditionally, Shilajit is kept as natural as possible throughout the whole process. It’s purified using natural spring water and dried in the sun. This keeps it as close to its natural, healthy form as possible.
Some manufacturers speed up the process by heating the shilajit mechanically, instead of naturally. This definitely makes the entire process go faster, but what does it do to your product?
Depending on the heat and the machinery used, this method can actually destroy the bioactive compounds in Shilajit, making it much less potent. The thing is, you never really know if the manufacturer you choose has taken a lot of care to mimic the natural heat conditions and keep things as natural as possible.
You can’t risk choosing a mechanically heated Shilajit and getting one with little to no actual health benefits in it. It’s best to choose one that’s open about being sun-dried.
8. It’s In Powder or Capsule Form

The most authentic form of Shilajit is resin. Some people might find it hard to get used to the consistency, because it’s kind of gooey and looks very unappealing. But if you’re taking yours in powder or capsule form, it means it’s been processed, and that usually takes away a LOT of its potency.
Some well-processed versions might still be pretty decent, but you never really know. It’s usually better to just choose a resin from the start, because you know it’s as close to the natural form as possible and filled with the most health benefits.
Final Verdict: Is Shilajit a Scam?
There’s plenty of evidence to show that Shilajit is the real deal. BUT, the problem comes in with dishonest manufacturers who want to produce mass amounts of it as fast and as cheaply as possible so they can make a ton of money while it’s trending.
If you just buy any old Shilajit powder or capsule off the shelf, you’re probably being scammed, to be honest. Real, top-quality Shilajit isn’t as easy to find as you think, so you’ll have to do your research to find it. You can also expect to pay a bit more for the pure stuff, but trust me, it’s worth it.
Remember, if you don’t do your due diligence and make sure the stuff is legit, you could end up accidentally ingesting rock sediment, bacteria, or perhaps worst of all, goat poop. Taking some time to find the purest Shilajit will be the best course of action if you really want to get the amazing benefits.
Top Shilajit Supplements of 2024
After a thorough review of 27 different Shilajit products, we’ve curated a list of the top 5 Shilajit supplements available in 2024. Norwegian BioLabs Shilajit has been rated as the best Shilajit supplement by experts. Our selection is based on factors such as potency, purity, user reviews, and overall effectiveness. Whether you’re looking to boost your energy levels, enhance cognitive function, or improve overall vitality, these top picks are sure to meet your needs.
Check out the Top 5 Shilajit products of 2024 and find out why!
#1 Best Shilajit Resin 2024
- Our #1 Most Popular Choice
- Authentic Shilajit
- Rich in minerals, including fulvic acid
- Supports healthy metabolism
- Has potent antioxidant properties.
- Boosts vitality & energy levels.
- Enhances cognitive function
- Innovative formula
- Exhibits properties for stress
- Free shipping
- High potency for optimal benefits
- Organic Ayurvedic blend
- Convenient 30-gram packaging
- Authentic Himalayan origin
- Boosts energy and strength
- May have a strong taste
- Relatively small quantity for some users
- High potency and purity
- Rich in trace minerals
- Supports energy and vitality
- Boosts immune system health
- Suitable for men and women
- Transparent with lab test report
- Convenient 400mg servings
- Strong taste may be off-putting
- Potential for variation in effects
- Requires consistent daily use
- High potency and purity
- Rich in trace minerals
- Supports energy and vitality
- Boosts immune system health
- Transparent with lab test report
- Convenient 400mg servings
- Strong taste may be off-putting
- Potential for variation in effects
- Requires consistent daily use
- High fulvic acid content
- Supports immune system
- Tested for purity
- Enhances energy levels
- Quick-dissolve in liquids
- Natural adaptogen
- Potentially high cost
- Allergy risks for some
- Taste may be unappealing
- Inconsistent texture possible
#1 Best Shilajit Resin 2024
- Our #1 Most Popular Choice
- Authentic Shilajit
- Rich in minerals, including fulvic acid
- Supports healthy metabolism
- Has potent antioxidant properties.
- Boosts vitality & energy levels.
- Enhances cognitive function
- Innovative formula
- Exhibits properties for stress
- Free shipping
Thank you for the information. It is very confusing trying to pick the right brand as everything on the Internet thats advertised you have to have a dab of salt And even then it’s very hard to choose
Why have I not seen these before. The only one I’ve seen is Wellness Nest. Have I waisted my money. Please advise.
I’ve been using Shilajit first gummies then from Wellness Nest for around a month.
2 days after starting the Wellness Nest I felt incredibly tired. I do take supplements could they be clashing with SHILAjit??? Have had none of the ‘good ‘ symptoms.????
Thanks keen to use it